Lighting Control

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A lighting control system offers many benefits that can assist you in your everyday routine. Here are some that we feel are beneficial:

Home Security - We can program lights to automatically come on/turn off at certain times to simulate your residence being occupied while on vacation. You can also ensure that you will never come home to a dark house again by having your system integrated into a visor mounted control for your vehicle, or the homelink system in your vehicle(if equipped). With one button press you can light up your residence as you pull into the garage. We can also integrate the lighting system into your security system, so in the event of an alarm the lights inside come on and the outdoor lights begin to flash.

Energy savings - Having lights turn off automatically will prevent high utility bills that occur when lights are accidentally left on for hours at a time. We can also install wireless occupancy sensors to ensure lights turn off when you leave a room.

Convenience - Instead of having to walk upstairs before bedtime to check and make sure all of the lights are off, you can walk up to a keypad or press a button on your phone/tablet and ensure that all the lights are in fact off. Whether you are entertaining, or getting ready to relax and read a book, one button press is all it takes to set the lights to a pre-determined setting and create the perfect atmosphere.

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